Thanks to son Aaron for doing a bit of redo on this site. I really appreciate his talents and willingness to get me motivated in all sorts of directions. Well not so much motivated as more focused in various directions. So many crayons and surfaces to play with.
Life is really good right now, as always. I am so appreciative of all my well being and contentedness. The holidays are here and it is just a treat. I have decided not to make baked goods this year. Not for any other reason than the mood just didn’t hit me, and that is OK ;-)). I have been making baked goods for the last 40 years, so a break is feeling really decadent. So I am using all that extra time to play in the studio.
We have four kitties in our lives and they pretty much rule the pad. Last year we came up with an idea for our xmas tree and it worked great. We have a main beam that runs along the ceiling, the length of the house, giving it a vaulted look. We string boughs with LED lights attached, then hang the ornaments from the boughs. Here are some photos from this year. It’s very cheerful and takes care of the issue of having a new kitten in our household during the “ornament” season. You can see photos of last years decorations in a previous blog.
We have started a few new traditions this year. For the past several years we do the 12 days of Christmas for each other starting on the 13th. So we each get to open a gift the morning of each of the 12 days. Christmas morning we open our xmas socks. This year on the first day of the 12, we grilled lobster tails. We really liked that new tradition and it’s a keeper for next year. I know it looks like we have plenty of ornaments, but we are going to start getting each other a special ornament each year to add to the many wonderful ones already hanging in the boughs. Enjoy the day,